
Paul Snell
Paul Snell, PhD
Profession Title
Associate Professor
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Campus Office Location
Marsh Hall 232 (Forest Grove)

Areas I Teach

Associated Areas of Study

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Ph.D. Political Science. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, 2017.  Subfields: American Politics, Political Methodology. 

M.A. Political Science. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, 2013.

M.Ed. Curriculum and Instruction—Elementary Education. University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2010.

B.A. Government (Honors). Claremont McKenna College, 2008 (cum laude). 


2023- Present, Associate Professor, Department of Politics & Government, 鶹Ӱ.

2017-2023, Assistant Professor, Department of Politics & Government, 鶹Ӱ. 

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Snell, Paul. 2023. “Wittgenstein and Justice as Method.” Polity. Vol. 55 #3 (July): 499-508. 

Snell, Paul. 2020. Theoretical Perspectives on LGBT Representation and Party Politics. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford University Press.

Snell, Paul. 2017. “Equality in the House: The Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus and the Substantive Representation of the LGBTQ Community.” In LGBTQ Politics: A Critical Reader, eds. Marla Brettschneider, Susan Burges, and Cricket Keating. New York: NYU Press. 

Honors and Awards 

Provost’s Junior Faculty Award for Service. May 11, 2022. 鶹Ӱ. 

Academic Presentations

Snell, Paul. April 2019. “Power Outage: An Ordinary Language Analysis of Power.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association. 
Snell, Paul. April 2016. “Context and Action: The Political Opportunity Structure of Public Interest Law Organizations.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association.

Snell, Paul. April 2015. “Rainbow Representation: The Substantive Representation of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community in the 111th and 112th Congress.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association. 

Teaching Experience

Primary Instructor: 鶹Ӱ 

Humanities 100: First-Year Seminar (Fall 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020).
POLS 140: Introduction to US Politics (Spring & Fall 2018, Fall of  2019-2023).
POLS 206: Judicial Process (Fall 2023)
POLS 306: Presidency and Congress (Spring 2021, 2023). 
POLS 321: Protest, Dissent, and Social Change (Spring 2019, 2020, 2022, 2024). 
POLS 325: Constitutionalism I (Spring 2018, 2019, 2021, 2023).
POLS 326: Constitutionalism II (Fall 2017, Springs 2020, 2022, 2024). 
POLS 255/355: Sexuality and US Politics (Spring 2018).
POLS 350: Democratic Theory (Fall 2020, 2022). 
POLS 355: Race and US Politics (Fall 2018).
POLS 355: Gender and US Politics (Fall 2019).
POLS 386: Race & American Political Thought (Fall 2021, 2023).
POLS 399: Junior Seminar: Theory & Methodology in POLS (Spring 2022, 2023).
POLS 495: Independent Study in POLS. 

Primary Instructor: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. POL 1001: American Democracy in a Changing World (Fall 2015). Description: This is the department’s introductory American Politics course. 

Teach for America: Las Vegas Valley. Sunrise Acres Elementary School (August 2009-May 2011). Cyril Wengert Elementary School (August 2008-August 2009). 

Disciplinary Service

Occasional Manuscript Reviewer - Sociological Forum, Journal of Canadian Studies, and Politics, Groups, and Identities.

University Service

Founder and President, 鶹Ӱ’s Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) (September 21, 2023-April11, 2024)

Member, 鶹Ӱ Restructuring Task Force (Spring 2024). 

Advisor, Black Student Union (Spring 2022-Spring 2024).

At-Large Representative-Alternate for the College of Arts & Sciences, University Faculty Senate (Fall 2019-Spring 2022).  

Faculty Representative for Recruitment and Retention of Marginalized Students (Fall 2019-2022).

Member, Master & Bachelor of Social Work Search Committee (Fall 2018).

Member, Criminal Justice and Legal Studies Search Committee (Spring 2019). 

Advisor, Pre-Law Program (Fall 2017-2023). 

Advisor, Phi Eta Sigma Honors Society (2018-2019). 
Advisor, 鶹Ӱ College Democrats (Spring 2018-Present).

Advisor, The Collective (2018-2021). 

Co-Advisor, The Black Student Union (2021-Fall 2022).

Member, FYS Summer Text Committee (December 2017-February 2018).

Member, Gender and Sexuality Studies Committee (2018-2019). 

Other Presentations

Main Discussant, The Fire is Upon Us with author Nicholas Buccola, hosted by the Forest Grove Library. (2/9/2020) 

Panelist, Washington County Democrats, Justice Forum: Discussing Police Reform Proposals (10/30/2020)

Panelist, along with Portland City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty, Portland Committee for Community-Engaged Policing (PCEEP) Town Hall: Police Oversight (7/9/2020)

Moderator, Gender and Politics Event with Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici, hosted by the Center for Gender Equity (10/16/18)

Speaker, Center for Gender Equity Event “Step Into Her Shoes” (9/29/17).

Panelist, Black Student and Parent Orientation (8/23/18). 

Panelist, “Core Shakers: Black Leadership in Law and Politics” (2/13/19). 

Presenter for Constitution Day (2018-present)