Nicola Carter
Nicola Carter, PhD
Profession Title
Chair of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Associate Professor
Pacific Email
Office Phone
Campus Office Location
HPC2 371

Areas I Teach

Associated Areas of Study

Educational History

PhD, Biochemistry--London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London, UK
BSc, Biochemistry and Biology (honors)--Keele University, UK

Practice/Research Interests

The long term goal of our research is to understand how Leishmania, a pathogenic protozoan parasite, adapts to changes its host environment to acquire essential nutrients for its growth and viability, and survive environmental stress. Our current research is focused on characterizing the parasite machinery used to capture purines (essential nutrients) from the host environment and in identifying pathways and cell components critical for the survival of the parasite when nutrients are limiting.

For a list of my publications, see .

To learn more, please review .

Outside the Classroom

You might notice that Dr. Carter has a bit of an accent. She was born and raised in the foothills of Welsh Clwydian (Clue-idian) range within the United Kingdom, though she has called Portland home for the last 20 years or so.