Nancy A. Cicirello
Nancy A. Cicirello, PT, EdD, MPH
Profession Title
Professor Emerita
Pacific Email

Areas I Teach

Associated Areas of Study

Areas of Interest


Disability across the lifespan, disabilities studies

Collaborative Teaming

International/Cross cultural service

Early Intervention

Special Education

Adult Neurology


2005 | EdD Portland State University

1985 | MPH University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (Maternal & Child Health)

1971 | BS Physical Therapy, Ohio State University

Clinical Certifications

NDT eight-week course, 1975

NDT baby course, 1981

Representative Publications

Gajdosik,C & Cicirello, N. (2001). Secondary conditions of the musculoskeletal system in adolescents and adults with cerebral palsy. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 21 (4), 49-68.

Hendrickson, S., Lyden, S., Tarter, C., Banaitis, D., & Cicirello, N. (1998). Implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act into physical therapy programs. Journal of Physical Therapy Education, 12, (2).


Falco, R., Brawner-Jones, N., Cicirello, N., Participatory action research: Preparing future professionals for interdisciplinary collaboration with diverse families. Paper presented at DEC, Portland, Ore., 2005

Falco, R., Cicirello, N., & Moreno, R. Families and interdisciplinary service providers supporting self-determination for children with multiple disabilities through participatory action research projects. Paper presented at the International Conference of The Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps, Reno, Nev., 2004

Falco, R., Brawner-Jones, N., Cicirello, N., Munson, L, Hanson, Pl, Gildersleeve-Neumann, C., Martinez, A., & O'Harra, M. Families and interdisciplinary service providers supporting self-determination for children with multiple disabilities through participatory action research projects. Paper presented at the National Building on Family Strengths Conference, Portland, Ore., 2004

Falco, R., Brawner-Jones, N., Cicirello, N., Grindol, G., & Moreno, G. Interdisciplinary collaboration to support self-determination and inclusion for student with significant disabilities, Paper presented at the International Conference of the Council for Exceptional Children, Seattle, Wash., 2003


September 2001-June 2005 | U.S. Department of Education. Collaborative Professional Education Project (CPEP) between Portland State University School of Education, Department of Special Education and Â鶹ӰÊÓ, Schools of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy

May 1999 | Hewlett Grant, Understanding  Disabilities: An Interdisciplinary Approach

December 1999 | Hewlett Grant, Seminar on Children: Learning, Living, and Development