
Michael Bridges
Michael Bridges PT, DPT
Profession Title
Associate Professor
Office Phone
Campus Office Location
Creighton Hall 370

Areas I Teach

Associated Areas of Study

Teaching Responsibilities:
DPT 510 Clinical Biomechanics I
DPT 511 Clinical Biomechanics II

Areas of Interest:
Clinical Application of kinetics
General physics to the human body
Mechanical or electrical modalities
Other devises used to help improve function, performance, and general life

BS, Oregon State University

Bridges MK, Hilliard JE, Chui KK. The effects of light therapy on osteoarthritis and its sequelae in aging and older adults: A systematic narrative review. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation. 2020; 36(1), 11-37.
Kogler GF, Bridges M, Hilliard J, Chui KK, Materials and technology. In K. Chui, M. Jorge, S.C. Yen, M. Lusardi (Eds), Orthotics and Prosthetics in Rehabilitation. 4th ed. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier; 2020: 144-163.
Bridges MK, Hilliard JE, Chui KK. The management of conditions associated with aging and older adults using therapeutic electromagnetic energy: A narrative systematic review. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation. 2018; 34(4), 283-304.  

Bridges, M
. Foot clinical biomechanics review and use of the Foot Posture Index. OPTA Annual Conference, 2019.
Bridges M, Hilliard J, Chui, K. The management of conditions associated with aging and older adults using therapeutic electromagnetic energy: a narrative systematic review. OPTA Annual Conference, 2019.
Bridges M, Pakula A. The Efficacy of Surgical and Conservative Interventions for the Treatment of Hallux Valgus. 鶹Ӱ School of Physical Therapy. Paper 52. 2008
Video Interviewee for Portland State University Under鶹Ӱ Physics Course “Bringing Physics To Life”

¡Salud! Healthcare services partnering with Tuality Healthcare Foundation

2016 Young Alumni Achievement Award, 鶹Ӱ