Lexie Jackson
Lexie Jackson, PhD, RDN, CDCES
Profession Title
Assistant Professor, Public Health

Areas I Teach

Associated Areas of Study

Area of Research

My research is influenced by growing up in Hawai‘i and my clinical experience as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist, where I worked in outpatient, research, and management settings. Both experiences were foundational to my focus on promoting positive health behaviors throughout the lifespan through ongoing collaborative, equitable partnerships using community-based participatory approaches. I currently have two primary areas of research that use mixed methods designs and person-centered analyses: 1) a lifespan approach to health promotion including body image, eating and feeding behaviors, and diet quality, and 2) promoting health with Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander adults using community-based participatory approaches. I currently have two grant funded research projects that are aimed to improve the health of caregivers of Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander adults living with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.


PhD in Prevention Science, Washington State University, Vancouver, Washington in 2021

Master of Science in Prevention Science, Washington State University, Vancouver, Washington in 2018

Master of Science in Clinical Research Management, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri in 2011

Bachelor of Science in Clinical Dietetics, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas in 2009

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas in 2006

Select Publications:

Jackson, A.M., Cox, A.E., Sano, Y., Parker, L., Lanigan, J. Body image and eating behaviors: A latent profile analysis. (2022) Body Image. 41, 396-406. 

Jackson, A.M., Parker, L., Sano, Y., Cox, A.E., Lanigan, J. (2022). Associations between body image, eating behavior, and diet quality. Nutrition and Health.  

Jackson, A.M., Sano, Y., Cox, A.E., Lee, S., Lanigan, J. (2022) Communication about food and nutrition in the parent-young child dyad. American Journal of Health Promotion.

Jackson, A., Sano, Y., Parker, L., Cox, A.E., Lanigan, J. (2022) Intuitive eating and dietary intake. Eating Behaviors. 41.

Jackson, A., Weaver, R., Iniguez, A., Lanigan J. (2022). A lifespan perspective of structural and perceived social relationships, food insecurity, and dietary behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Appetite. 168, 105717.

Jackson, A., Anderson, A., Weybright, E., Lanigan, J. (2021). Differing experiences of boredom during the pandemic and associations with dietary behaviors. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 53(8), 706-711. ;

Payne, C., Jackson, A., Novak, M. A. (2021) Cooking education intervention to increase self- efficacy and body appreciation in collegiate athletes. Sports, Cardiovascular and Wellness Nutrition’s PULSE. 41(2), 9-12.

Weaver, R.H., Jackson, A., Lanigan, J., Power, T.G., Anderson, A., Cox, A.E., Eddy, L., Parker, L., Sano, Y., Weybright, E. (2021) Identification of risk and protective factors associated with health behaviors at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. American Journal of Health Behavior 45(1), 44-61.

Parker, L., Jackson, A., Lanigan, J. (2020) Applying principles from prevention and implementation sciences to optimize dissemination of family feeding interventions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17,7038.