
Leonardo Bobadilla
Leonardo Bobadilla, PhD
Profession Title
Associate Professor
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Campus Office Location
HPC-2, Room 280

Roles and Interests

Clinical & Research Interests

My main research interests can be divided into three main areas.  1) Psychopathy, its neurobiological markers (e.g., skin conductance, hormonal activity) and their relationship to physical and sexual aggression. 2) Gender differences in the manifestation of psychopathy and related (narcissism, borderline) personality disorders 3) Assessment and treatment of disinhibitory disorders (aggression, substance use, gambling) in forensic and law enforcement populations in collaboration with Dr. Michael Christopher and Dr. .

I am licensed in Washington and Oregon and I’m a . I maintain a small private psychology practice focused on assessments of risk of sexual violence conducted mostly with Spanish-only speaking clients. I am working with local agencies to help provide these and other services at our training clinic and train our students in this area. I also supervise a team of advanced bilingual and bicultural students in our training clinic and am particularly interested in recruiting students who are bicultural/bilingual with interests in culturally responsive assessment.


  • PhD, Florida State University, Department of Psychology, Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology, 2008
  • Pre-Doctoral Intern, Federal Correctional Complex, Butner, North Carolina, 2007-2008
  • MS, Florida State University, 2004, Masters of Arts in Clinical Psychology
  • BA, University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Brain and Behavioral Sciences, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology.

Professional Membership

  • American Psychology-Law Society
  • Association for the Treatment of Sex Abusers
  • Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy
  • Association for Psychological Science

Current Grant Funding

Bobadilla, L., (PI), De León, A. (co-PI),  (2022). Enhancing Empirically Based, Culturally Sensitive Treatment for Problem Gambling among Spanish-Speaking Latino Oregonians With Mobile App. ($15,000). Oregon Lottery Research Foundation.

Bobadilla, L. (2020, February) Improving Burnout and Vicarious Trauma Among Correctional Officers Using Mindfulness Based Resilience Stress Training: A Feasibility Study. ($5000). 鶹Ӱ Faculty Development Grant. 

Representative Student Led Publications and Presentations (*student author).

*Stark, N., Bobadilla, L., Michael, P., Saturn, S., Portner, M. The relationship between psychopathy and oxytocin – A meta-analysis. (Revise and Resubmit with minor revisions at Aggression and Violent Behavior).

*Reynolds, B., *Chestolowski, E., Bobadilla, L. Partner rape and psychopathy. Chapter to appear in the Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence.

*Arnold, B., Bobadilla L. (In preparation). “My Day of Retribution”: The Impact of Culture, Masculinity and Prejudice in Mass Casualty Attackers.

*Portner, M., Bobadilla, L., *Smith, C. (In preparation). Protective factors for minor attracted adults.

*Zayas, A.M., & Bobadilla, L. (In preparation). Relationship between arousal, orgasm, and shame to sexual assault reporting rates.

Representative Publications (*student co-author)

Bobadilla, L. Adaptive calibration model, rape and sexual coercion. Chapter to appear in the Encyclopedia for Sexual Psychology

Bobadilla, L. (In preparation) Modifying media reports on mass shootings in the U.S. may reduce them: The Papageno effect and mass murder-suicide.

* Delk, L., Bobadilla, L., & Lima, L. (2017). Psychopathic Traits Associate Differentially to Anger, Disgust and Fear Recognition among Men and Women. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 39(1), 25-34.

Bobadilla, L., Asberg, K.A., Johnson, M., Shirtcliff, E.A.  (2015). Experiences in the military may impact dual axis neuroendocrine processes in veterans. Developmental Psychobiology, 57,719-730. 

Bobadilla, L. (2014). Martyrdom redefined: Self-destructive killers and vulnerable narcissism. Brain and Behavioral Sciences, 37, 364-365. DOI 10.1017/S0140525X13003361

Bobadilla, L., & * Metze, A., Taylor, J. (2013).  Attractiveness associated with verbal reactive aggression among women, unattractiveness associated with physical aggression among men. Journal of Research in Personality, 47, 70-77.