
Dana Bates
Dana Bates, PhD, ATC
Profession Title
Associate Professor
Pacific Email
Office Phone
Campus Office Location
HPC2 #183

Areas I Teach

Associated Areas of Study


2007-2012 PhD Educational Administration | University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Dissertation: Investigating Post-Graduate Athletic Training Education Student Perceptions Following a Purposefully Implemented Peer Assisted Learning Pedagogy

1999-2001 MS Health and Human Performance, Major- Sports Medicine | Oregon State University

1995-1999 BA Kinesiology, Major- Athletic Training and Physical Education | Whitworth University

Professional Experiences

2012-2017 Program Director, Clinical Education Coordinator and Assistant Professor, George Fox University

2011-2012 Instructor, Whitworth University

2011 Clinical Education Coordinator and Instructor, University of Texas at Austin

2007-2010 Program Director and Instructor, Nebraska Wesleyan University

2004-2010 Instructor, Nebraska Wesleyan University

Athletic Training Clinical Experience

2011-2012 Assistant Athletic Trainer, Whitworth University

2011 Assistant Athletic Trainer, University of Texas at Austin

2006-2007 Head Athletic Trainer, Nebraska Wesleyan University

2004-2006 Assistant Athletic Trainer, Nebraska Wesleyan University

2002-2004 Assistant Athletic Trainer, Western Oregon University

May 2003 Medical Coordinator, NCAA Div. II Softball World Series, Salem Oregon

2002-2003 Certified Athletic Trainer, Chrysler Vienna Vikings Football, Vienna Austria

2001-2002 Assistant Athletic Trainer, Whitworth College

Published Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Bates, DK, Ludwig G.  Flipped classroom in a therapeutic modality course: Students' perspective.  Res Pract Technol Enhanc Learn.  2020;15(18): DOI: 10.1186/s41039-020-00139-3.

Bates, DK.  Opioids and an active population: Athletic traniers' perceptions.  Internet J Allie Health Sci Pract.  2020;18(1): Article 4.

Bates, DK.  Flipped classroom in orthopedic assessment courses: students' perspective.  Athl Train Educ J.  2018;13(4): 324-331.

Bates, DK, Sikkema JA, Nynas SM, Culp C.  Critical-thinking skills of first-year athletic training student enrolled in professional programs.  Athl Train Educ J.  2017;12(1): 18-25.

Bates, DK.  Perceptions from athletic training students involved in an intentional peer-assisted learning pedagogy.  Athl Train Educ J.  2016;11(4): 181-188.

Bates, DK.  Perceptions from 鶹Ӱs of professional athletic programs involved in peer-assisted learning.  Athl Train Educ J.  2014;9(3): 113-126.

Published Invited Article

Bates, DK, Moore J.  Getting creative with clinical education experiences.  National Athletic Training Association.  April 13, 2021.

Bates, DK, Norris B.  The ins and outs of holding simulation.  National Athletic Training Association.  2108;30(10): 18-21.


2013-2017 Preceptor workshop, George Fox University, held each May

2016 District 10 NWATA: Free Communications: “Perceptions from Students Involved in an Intentional Peer-Assisted Learning Pedagogy”

2015 Poster Presentation Athletic Training Educators Conference: “Flipped Classroom in an Orthopedic Assessment Class”

2014 Poster Presentation District 10 NWATA: “Perceptions from Graduates of Professional Athletic Programs Involved in Peer-Assisted Learning”

2014 District 10 NWATA: Lecture: “New Competencies: What the current 鶹Ӱ learn that you should know.”

2014 District 10 NWATA: Lecture: “New position and Consensus Statements”

Conference Peer-Reviewed Presentations

Bates D.  Opioids and our Patients: What an Athletic Trainer Needs to Know.  Athletic Trainings Educator Conference, Virtual, April 2021.

Bates D.  Opioids and our Patients: What an Athletic Trainer Needs to Know.  National Athletic Training Association Webinar, October 14, 2020.

Bates D, Duckett D.  Creating Simulation Involving Preceptors and Students Using Exertional Heat Stroke as an Example. National Athletic Training Association Annual Symposium, June 2020.  Not presented due to COVID-19.

Bates D.  Flipped classroom in a therapeutic modalities course: Students’ perspective. Presented at: The Oregon Technology in Education Network Annual Conference: March 2, 2019; Forest Grove OR.

Bates D, Sikkema J. Opioids and our patients.  Presented at Northwest Athletic Training Association Conference: March 24, 2018; Portland OR.

Bates D, Hill G.  Catastrophic incident planning.  Presented at Oregon Athletic Training Society Summer Symposium: July 2, 2016; Portland OR. 

Bates D.  Perceptions from students involved in an intentional peer-assisted learning pedagogy.  Free Communications at Northwest Athletic Training Association Conference; March 26, 2016; Boise ID. 

Bates D, Nynas S.  New competencies: What the current 鶹Ӱs learn that you should know.  Presented at Northwest Athletic Training Association Conference: March 21, 2014; Portland OR.

Bates D, Johnson S.  New position and consensus statements.  Presented at Northwest Athletic Training Association Conference, March 21, 2014; Portland OR.

Poster Peer-Reviewed Presentations


Bates D.  Opioids and an Active Population.  Poster Presentation at Northwest Athletic Training Association Conference, March 13, 2021, Virtual.


Bates D.  Flipped classroom in a therapeutic modalities course: Students’ perspective.  Poster Presentation at Northwest Athletic Training Association Conference; March 30, 2019, Spokane WA.


Bates D.  Flipped classroom in an orthopedic assessment class.  Poster Presentation at Athletic Training Education Conference; February 14, 2015, Dallas TX. 


Bates D.  Perceptions from 鶹Ӱs of professional athletic programs involved in peer-assisted learning.  Poster Presentation at Northwest Athletic Training Association Conference: March 22, 2014; Portland OR.

Committee Work

2013-2016 Member, Faculty Development Committee, George Fox University, Newberg, OR

2013-2016 Member, Core Team Professional Programs, George Fox University, Newberg, OR

2015-2016 Chair, Workgroup, Interprofessional Education, George Fox University, Newberg, OR

2015-2016 Chair, Workgroup, MS in Athletic Training transition, George Fox University, Newberg, OR

2015 Chair, Workgroup, Research across the curriculum, George Fox University, Newberg, OR

2015 Chair, Workgroup, Simulations across the curriculum, George Fox University, Newberg, OR

2013-2014 Member, Committee, Northwest Athletic Trainers Association District 10 planning, Northwest Athletic Trainers Association

2013 Member, Director of Office for Student Success search committee, George Fox University, Newberg, OR

2013 Member, Internship Workgroup, George Fox University, Newberg OR

2008-2010 Member, Assessment committee, Nebraska Wesleyan University, Lincoln NE


2002-Present: American Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED Instructor, training for department and community

2014-Present: Volunteer Dayton youth soccer coach, Dayton OR

2015-Present: Volunteer Council, Newberg First United Methodist Church, Newberg OR

March 2015: Volunteer Medical Tent, Shamrock Run, Portland OR

2013-2015: Volunteer Carlton Summer Swim club, Carlton OR

Professional Associations

National Athletic Trainers Association member
Northwest Athletic Trainers Association member