
Connor P. Principe, PhD
Profession Title
Associate Professor
Pacific Email
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Campus Office Location
Carnegie 308 Research Lab:
Areas I Teach
Associated Areas of Study
Associate Professor Connor Principe (Ph.D., Experimental Psychology, The University of Texas, Austin, Developmental: M.A., Experimental Psychology, The University of Texas, Austin, Developmental; B.A., Psychology, Seattle University), is a child development psychologist with a specialization in statistics. Dr. Principe's dissertation examined whether reaction times to attractive and unattractive faces predicted adult and 8-year-old physiological and emotional responses. At Â鶹ӰÊÓ, his research primarily examines how preferences, particularly those for attractive faces, are developed, maintained, and altered. For example, how different levels of facial attractiveness elicit commensurate levels of emotional response. Dr. Principe's research has shown that adults and school-age children respond with physiological responses indicative of positive affect when presented with pictures of attractive faces but with responses indicative of negative affect (including disgust) when presented with pictures of unattractive faces. He is particularly interested in determining whether appearance-based stereotypes and discriminatory tratment are partially based on unconscious emotional signals.
Doctor of Philosophy in developmental psychology, The University of Texas at Austin: Austin, Texas in 2011.
Master of Arts in developmental psychology, The University of Texas at Austin, Texas in 2009.
Bachelor of Arts in psychology/honors. Seattle University: Seattle, WA in 2002.
Current Research Interests
Broadly, I am interested in examining how preferences develop, how they are maintained, and how they change throughout the lifespan. Most of my work has specifically examined preferences for facial attractiveness, the emotional consequences of viewing attractive versus unattractive faces, and how experience best explains what people find attractive in a face. My recent work has attempted to expand this area of research to understand how preferences for attractiveness also inform preferences for food, music, and social groups. Students who are interested in gaining collegiate research experience with regard to attract the development of preferences should contact me via e-mail.
Course Information
At Â鶹ӰÊÓ, all faculty teach a variety of different courses. Typically, we do not use Â鶹ӰÊÓ teaching assistants, which means that your classes will be taught by professors and that you will have plenty of opportunities to get to know the faculty in your discipline.
Below I have listed some of the courses that I teach. We are always developing and trying out new classes, so the list may change now and then.
Lifespan Human Development
Social and Personality Development
Children and Violence
Research Methods and Statistics I & II
Psychology of Aesthetics
Grants and Awards
2015 - Pacific Research Institute for Science adn Mathematics (PRISM) Summer Research Grant
2015 - Men in Blazers Poet/Philosopher/Soccer Scribe Raven of the Week
2014 - Junior Faculty Award, Â鶹ӰÊÓ
2014 - Elise Elliott Intercultural Research Fund
2013 - Elise Elliott UnderÂ鶹ӰÊÓ Experience Enrichment Fund
2012 - Pacific Research Institute for Science and Mathematics (PRISM) Summer Research Grant
Selected Publications and Presentation (*denotes underÂ鶹ӰÊÓ co-author)
Principe, C. P., & Langlois, J. H. (2013). Children and adults use attractiveness as a social cue in real people and avatars. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 115, 590-597. doi: 10.1016/j.jecp.2012.12.002
Principe, C. P., Rosen, L. H., Taylor-Partridge, T. & Langlois, J. H. (2013). Attractiveness differences between twins predicts evaluations of self and co-twin. Self and Identity, 12, 186-200. doi: 10.1080/15298868.2012.655895
Rosen, L. H., Principe, C. P., & Langlois, J. H. (2013). Feedback seeking in early adolescence: Self-enhancement or self-verification? The Journal of Early Adolescence, 33, 363-377. doi: 10.1177/027243161244107
Principe, C. P., & Langlois, J. H. (2012). Shifting the prototype: Experience with faces influences affective and attractiveness preferences. Social Cognition, 30(1), 109-120. doi: 10.1521/soco.2012.30.1.109
Rew, L., Principe, C., & Hannah, D. (2012). Changes in stress and coping during late childhood and preadolescence. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing. 25, 130-140. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-6171.2012.00336.x
Rew, L., Principe, C., & Hannah, D. (2012). Changes in stress and coping during late childhood and preadolescence. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing. 25, 130-140. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-6171.2012.00336.x
Recent Conference Presentations with Students
Gula, C. & Principe, C. P. (2018, April). The dynamics of the creative paradox: Resisting creativity. Poster session presented at the 2018 Western Psychological Association 98th Annual Convention, Portland, OR.
Kealoha, C. & Principe, C. P. (2018, April).The nonconformity of the queer community in a heteronormative society. Poster session presented at the 2018 Western Psychological Association 98th Annual Convention, Portland, OR.
Lindner, M. & Principe, C. P. (2018, April). Sexually explicit material and prototypical models of intimacy. Poster session presented at the 2018 Western Psychological Association 98th Annual Convention, Portland, OR.
Spencer, S. & Principe, C. P. (2018, April). Muscular Christianity: A religious ideology and its effects on sport preferences. Poster session presented at the 2018 Western Psychological Association 98th Annual Convention, Portland, OR.
Vinson, M. & Principe, C. P. (2018, April). Language as a predictor of music formation, preference, and appreciation. Poster session presented at the 2018 Western Psychological Association 98th Annual Convention, Portland, OR.
Nance, M. & Principe, C. P. (2016, May). Psychophysiological evaluations of designer products among males. Poster session presented at the 28th Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.
Presjak, T. & Principe, C. P. (2016, May). Subconcious awareness of sexual orientation via facial attractiveness perception. Poster session presented at the 28th Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.
Scott, I. M. & Principe, C. P. (2015, April). Cultural differences in face perception. Poster session presented at the 2015 Western Psychological Association 95th Annual Convention, Las Vegas, NV.