Areas I Teach
Course Information
At 鶹Ӱ, all faculty teach a variety of different courses. Typically, we do not use 鶹Ӱ teaching assistants, which means that your classes will be taught by professors and that you will have plenty of opportunities to get to know the faculty in your discipline.
Below I have listed some of the courses that I teach. We are always developing and trying out new classes, so the list may change now and then.
MATH 226 | Calculus I
MATH 227 | Calculus II
MATH 228 | Calculus III
MATH 240 | Discrete Mathematics
MATH 311 | Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH 321 | Higher Geometry
MATH 330 | Probability
MATH 326 | Introduction to Analysis
MATH 411 | Partial Differential Equations
MATH 490 | Senior Capstone
PhD in Mathematics, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
MA in Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
BS in Mathematics, BA in Music, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
Published Works
E. Bahuaud, C. Guenther, J. Isenberg, R. Mazzeo, Convergence stability for Ricci flow on manifolds with bounded geometry, Proc. Amer. Math.Soc. 152 no. 1 435-446, (2024)
E. Bahuaud, C. Guenther, J. Isenberg, R. Mazzeo, Sectoriality of the Laplacian on Asymptotically Hyperbolic Spaces, accepted for publication, Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry (2024)
B. Andrews, B. Chow, C. Guenther, M. Langford, “Extrinsic Geometric Flows”, pp. 1 – 750, American Mathematical Society, Graduate Studies in Mathematics, 206 (2020)
M. Carfora, C. Guenther, “Scaling and Entropy for the RG-2 Flow”, Comm. Math. Phys 378 (3) (2020)
E. Bahuaud, C. Guenther, J. Isenberg, “Stability Convergence for Ricci Flow”, J. Geom. Anal. (2019)
Mean Curvature Flow. Proceedings of the John H. Barrett Memorial Lectures held at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, May 29 - June 1, 2018. Bourni, T., M. Langford (Ed.). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter (2019)
K. Gimre, C. Guenther, J. Isenberg, “Short-time existence for the second order renormalization group flow in general dimensions”, Proc. Am. Math. Soc., Vol 143, no. 10 (2015)
B. Chow, S-C Chu, D. Glickenstein, C. Guenther, J. Isenberg, T.Ivey, D.Knopf, F. Luo, L. Ni, The Ricci Flow:Techniques and Applications. Part IV: Long-time Solutions and Related Topics, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, American Mathematical Society, Providence, R.I. (2015)
K. Gimre, C. Guenther, J. Isenberg, “A geometric introduction to the two-loop renormalization group flow.” J. Fixed Point Theory Appl. 14, (2013), Volume 14, Issue 1, pp 3-20
K. Gimre, C. Guenther, J. Isenberg, Second-order Renormalization Group flow of three-dimensional homogeneous geometries. Comm. Anal. Geom. 21 no. 2, (2013) 435-467.
K. Gimre, R. Whiteley, C. Guenther, The Analytical Determination of Kinetic Parameters for a Bimolecular EC Mechanism from Chronoamperometric Data, J. Math. Chem. 250 (2012), no. 4, 805 – 818
The Analytical Determination of Kinetic Parameters of Kinetic Parameters for a Bimolecular EC Mechanism from Chronoamperometric Data (Paper: with R. Whiteley, K. Gimre*), to appear in Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 2011.
Ricci Flow, Techniques and Applications. Part III: Geometric-Analytic Aspects (with Chow, B. Chu, S-C, Glickenstein, D., Isenberg, J., Ivey, T., Knopf, D., Luo, F., Ni, L.) Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 163, American Mathematical Society, Providence, R.I. (2010).
Stability of the (Two-Loop) Renormalization Group Flow for Nonlinear Sigma Models (with Oliynyk, T.), Letters in Mathematical Physics, Vol 84, No. 2, 149-157 (2008).
Ricci Flow, Techniques and Applications. Part II: Analytic Aspects (with Chow, B. Chu, S-C, Glickenstein, D., Isenberg, J., Ivey, T., Knopf, D., Luo, F., Ni, L.) Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 144, American Mathematical Society, Providence, R.I. 2008.
Ricci Flow: Techniques and Applications. Part I. Geometric Aspects (with Chow, B., Chu, S-C, Glickenstein, D., Isenberg, J., D., Ivey, T., Knopf, Luo, F., Lu, P., Luo, F., Ni, L). Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, 135. American Mathematical Society, Providence, R.I. 2007.
Linear stability of homogeneous Ricci solitons, (with Knopf, D. Isenberg, J.). Int. Math. Res. Not. (2006), Article ID 96253, doi:10.1155/IMRN/2006/96253.
The Fundamental Solution on Manifolds with Time-Dependent Metrics, Journal of Geometric Analysis, Vol 12, No. 3, 425-436 (2002).
Stability of the Ricci flow at Ricci-flat metrics, (with D. Knopf, J. Isenberg) Communications in Analysis and Geometry, Vol. 10, No. 4, 741-777 (2002).