Early Learning Community Summer Camp
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Children at the Brim Family Outdoor Learning Center

ELC Summer Camp is fully enrolled for both age groups at this time!

Wow - we are blown away by the community response for Summer Camp this year! All three weeks of Summer Camp are fully enrolled at this time and have waitlists; you are still welcome to express your interest and we will reach out to you if any shifting occurs between now and the start of camp. We will not ask for your deposit unless your child has a confirmed spot with us.

Come explore with us this summer! Pacific's Early Learning Community Summer Camp offers an intentional and child-focused approach to play and learning. Children will have the chance to get curious, try new things, and dive deep into favorite activities. Weekly themes will allow our staff and children to spend lots of time outside investigating the world around them. Read on for more information about the fun we'll get up to at this year's camp!

When: July 7-July 25, Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Where: The Early Learning Community
Who: Preschool to Rising 5th graders, separated into two cohorts
Fees: $325/week

How to Register 

. You can enroll at any time, though spots will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Please understand that the completion of the registration form alone does not hold a spot for your child and that is dependent on the submission of a non-refundable $100 per week deposit.

Payment Options 

Pay in full or put down a $100 deposit per child per week of camp. (For example, the deposit for two kids signing up for one week of camp is $200.) Remaining fees are due by June 3. Deposit is non-refundable; other fees are refundable until 6/3.

Summer Camp Themes

Week 1, July 7-11: Circus & Carnival Games
Week 2, July 14-18: Puppetry & Music 
Week 3, July 21-25: Science & Water Play

Review the Frequently Asked Questions for information about the summer program policies, activities and more.

Contact Us

Early Learning Community

2043 College Way, Forest Grove OR | 503.352.1481 | elc@contact.pacificu.edu